Pregnant?...When I found out I was pregnant in October, I wasn’t that excited, in fact… I wasn’t really ready to be pregnant at all. I had gone to the doctor a couple weeks before to get on birth control and was just waiting for my period to start so I could take the pill, never came. It took me a couple weeks to be okay with being pregnant, and then, at the first doctor’s appointment at 9 weeks I was able to see my little peanut moving around inside of me and the heartbeat of course, I fell in love immediately. And my excitment grew more and more each day. My due date from my period and ultra sound: June 25, 2011, baby measuring right on. This miracle growing inside of me was a part of me already. I did have this feeling from the moment I knew I was pregnant that I would never get to even have this baby, like I was going to miscarry or the baby would have something terribly wrong… something. And of course, I put that awful thought in the back of my mind like anyone else would do, and didn’t talk about it.
I had a really easy pregnancy the whole time, no morning sickness, just tired. I didn’t have any weird cravings or anything like that, just really tired. The first time I felt baby move was Jan. 30, 2011. I was sitting in Sunday school at church, I told Bernie and he put his hand on my tummy and could feel the kicks too! I was 19 weeks. The kicks were SOOOO strong from day 1. We found out we were having a baby girl on Feb. 4, 2011. She gave us a nice view. Legs spread wide open. SO cute. I was making arrangements at work for when the baby came, there were 3 other girls pregnant at work, Bernie’s sister is pregnant... it was like I was living in BABY Making Land.. LOL. I went in for my 24 week check up on Friday March 4, doc did another ultra sound to double check she was still a she...she was. Everything was perfect, heartbeat at 138 (140 is average) movements strong... everything. That next Tuesday I felt really strong kicks still... Wednesday I was in the pool for 8 hours (usually don’t feel strong movements while I’m teaching) Thursday morning I felt her move, like she was rolling around... and that was the last of the movements from our sweet little princess. I didn't realize until Saturday that I hadn't felt her much (I was in the pool a lot Thursday Fri. and sat, so it was normal for me to not feel her too much.) We were at my mom’s house and I was telling her that I hadn't felt much movement so I had a good idea to listen to her heartbeat with a stethoscope -Bernie played doctor- we thought we heard or felt something so we went on with our day. Sunday still nothing... I didn't think too much about it until late Sunday night, I started talking about how I wasn't worried, I just needed some peace of mind so I was going to the doctor Monday morning, but no matter what everything was fine, it would all be okay. Late Sunday night when we went to bed, I noticed my back was cramping/aching in a different way than normal prego aches I think I knew something was seriously wrong then but I just didn't think about it anymore and slept for like 10 hours.
The news… When I woke up I Called the doctor’s office Monday morning, and the nurse was so nice, she told me she'd look at me on the ultra sound so I didn't have to pay all that money to go to the hospital for no reason - cause I begged her pretty much, I was still convinced that nothing was wrong and I just needed to hear/see the heartbeat/her. When I went in she tried to find a heartbeat for about 3 min or so. Baby girl wasn't moving at all, no heartbeat... the nurse just said; I'm sorry, I don't see anything and just hugged me while I cried... I went straight to the hospital and called Bernie on the way. He met me there and we still weren't even positive baby had died so we went in, got all checked in. The nurses knew right away that our baby had died and were so nice to us. Our doctor met us at the hospital even though he was “on vacation” (just had the week off) and talked to us about our options, we chose to induce that day and move on. I didn’t realize what I was going to be going through, I had to give birth to my unborn baby who had already passed away, decide if I want to see her or not, name her, make arrangements for burial (or cremation if we chose to do so) and then deal with it all. Thank heavens I had my hubby there by my side the whole time.
Labor… I was told I should get an epidural, and that I didn’t need to feel any pain during this even though I had planned on giving birth without an epidural at full term, I needed to rethink that choice. I chose not to get the epidural until I had to, if I had to. I had already dilated to 1 cm on my own when the nurse put the inducing medicine inside. I felt contractions immediately. It was really cool until it started to hurt a few minutes later. I asked my brother to come so he and Bernie could give me a blessing, we visited for a little bit and then they left. Bernie’s family came to see how we were doing after, It was a bit overwhelming for me. I didn’t really want visitors. The nurse put the 2nd pill thingy in about 7pm, the contractions were so much stronger and closer together this time it was awful, I threw up twice before 8pm and I believe I was having an anxiety attack, I was having a hard time breathing. Penny was massaging my hips and Bernie was massaging my upper back. It really helped with the pain so I could actually breath, I was able to relax enough to fall asleep, and as soon as the massaging stopped, I’d wake right back up and be in pain again. Bernie’s family left after all this, I wanted penny to keep massaging but I needed to be alone with my hubby at this time so we asked everyone to leave. I ended up getting the pain meds through the IV at about 9pm. As soon as I got it I was out, I remember asking the nurse how much longer I had til this was over. She said she didn’t know. I responded with, (slurred words, mind you) Yes you do, your just not going to tell me cause it’s going to be like another 14 hours! You really do know… apparently I said a few other things, I don’t remember. I woke up about every hour moaning so Bernie would call the nurse back in and she would give me another dose. Everytime I woke up i needed to roll over or move or something and I had gotten to the point where I couldn't hardly move, bernie was pretty much rolling me over every hour or whenever I needed him to. I think I was physically and emotionally drained. At 12:30 I felt really, really, really, strong contractions and I had only got the meds 15 min before (I could only get it every hour) I felt like I needed to use the potty so we called the nurse in and she checked me, I was dilated to 3.5 cm. I went to the bathroom and when I came out my contractions were none stop and so super strong. I asked how far I had to dilate before I could have the baby, it was to 7 cm. I had already been in labor for 11 hours, I couldn’t do it anymore so I made the decision to get the epidural. I layed on my side and the epidural lady was taking forever at least that’s what I thought, the pain was unbearable the nurse, epidural lady, and Bernie all had to keep telling me to breath and relax, and stop pushing and well… everything. I told the nurse I was having a bowel movement and peeing, the epidural lady was about half way done when the nurse said, I see the baby… and so I had to lay on my side while baby girl sat in the birth canal half hanging out of me until epidural lady finished the epidural. I rolled to my back and baby finished coming out at 1:16 am. The nurse had to open up the sac to get her out, she wiped her off a little bit and handed her to me. At that moment I had an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort, I felt that Bernie and I would get to raise our Lily Ann Schellenberg after the resurrection. Although there is no doctrine on that I just know that she did what she needed to do, she is such a special spirit all she needed was to come to this earth, gain a body and go. I just know this. Her name fit her perfectly, that was the only name that came to mind when I saw her, and Bernie agreed that would be her name. We were able to have Lily in our room until we left. The epidural kicked in at about 1:25 am.
Aftermath… I called my mom and told her we had the baby, she was in California on vacation. I really wanted her to be there with me. There’s something about moms that no one can replace. She wasn’t going to be home until Wednesday afternoon. The nurse took Lily, weighed her, measured her and cleaned her up. I ended up falling asleep right away, so did Bernie. Lily weighed 1.5 lbs, 12 inches long. Her feet were HUGE! So cute though, everything about her was perfect, dark hair, long fingers and toes, cute little button nose, her tongue was sticking out a little bit. The nurse took her and dressed her in a pink dress and they took pictures of her. They also made hand/foot prints and gave it all to us. We had to fill out the death certificate and decide where to bury her. Too many decisions for us newlyweds. Bernie was amazing through everything, he was there for me when I needed him during the labor and as soon as he knew I was okay and that I didn’t need him to take care of me anymore he was able to sleep, and he slept like a rock. We left the hospital at about 1pm Tuesday March 15. The hardest thing I’ve had to do was leave our lifeless baby girl, just laying there. I needed her so much. I just wanted to carry her out to the car with me. I wasn’t ready to let her go. Bernie and I went out to eat at my big fat greek restaurant and then didn’t know what to do with ourselves. We went home to our messy house (that I was going to spend the week of spring break deep cleaning and packing since we were moving out when I was going to be 8.5 months pregnant) we layed on our couch and turned on a movie and pretty much spent the night crying together. I missed her so much already. My arms, my whole body just ached for her to be with me. It hurt so much to not have her in my tummy kicking and growing anymore. We slept really good that night and woke up to this nightmare the next morning and had to make burial arrangements for our daughter. We decided to let people help us out now. Bernie’s family cleaned up our kitchen and living room for us, julene (my sister in law) made us dinner that night, and then my visiting teachers and home teachers came over that night. Everyone was really nice and helpful. We felt so much love from our ward, family, and most of all, our heavenly father. Dinners were being set up through Sunday, relief society offered to have lunch for the family after Lily’s burial service. It was all so helpful. Thursday night while sitting on the couch with Bernie making arrangements for everything I noticed my milk had come it. I broke down immediately. It was painful physically but the emotional pain was a million times worse than that. I had milk, and no baby to give it to. I knew it was going to happen but it still hurt. We finalized the burial arrangements on Thursday and had the burial on Friday March 18, 2011. Bernie’s oldest brother, Roland said the opening/family prayer, then we played a song, “he is” by Hilary weeks. It was perfect, and then my dad said the dedicatory prayer. Bernie said a few words after and then the casket was lowered into the ground. We came to our apartment where the relief society had lunch ready for us. It was really good, we sat and visited with our families all night.
Then life started… Friday night Bernie’s brother and girlfriend were moving out of their apartment that night, so we went over and helped a little bit. I couldn’t do a whole lot because even lifting a light box made my back ache, Saturday we spent the morning together and then went to Bernie’s sisters baby shower. I thought it would be hard, but we ended up leaving before the gifts anyway… Sunday-church, Monday-Bernie went back to work, I went to school… and life went on. I felt guilty that I was able to go on with life. I felt like I should be depressed or more sad or something. I am really sad about it all but I know that it’s what our father in heaven has planned for me, Bernie, and lily. I don’t question why, and I know that it all happened for a reason. I know now that the feelings I had throughout my pregnancy and even before were the spirit preparing me in some way for this. The feeling I had when I found out I was pregnant that I wouldn’t have this baby on this earth, the feeling I had Sunday night before it all happened, (I thought I was in labor) and the feeling of “it’s all going to be okay, no matter what.” I also felt, while in labor, that maybe she was never meant to take a breath on this earth but the reason I was so far along when she died is because Bernie and I had to be sealed so that she could be sealed to us. I know that Bernie and I will be blessed for our faith in the Lord, and our relationship has gotten so much stronger, I loved my husband before but I never knew how much more my love could grow for him. And although we miss our little Lily we are grateful for the opportunity we had to have her in our life, if only for 5 ½ months.
I know that our Father in Heaven will not give us anything we can not handle and this trial in our lives was given to us so we can learn and grow from it giving us the opportunity to become closer to Him and each other. I'm thankful for the knowledge of the gospel, and for the sacrifice of our savior. This knowledge has been so comforting to me and Bernie and has helped us see the good in all things. We are an eternal family.